Brain Science:
Where does the soul reside after death? I have been intrigued with this subject for several years. In and around 2019 scientific articles started appearing in accepted scientific journals related to energy released from the brain after. death. There appears to be a couple of reasons, first we developed imaging a measuring systems of energy that were sensitive to the energy fields surrounding the brain. Second, we have gradually over the years since the atomic bomb futher discovered through experience how use quantum theory mechanics to predict behavior. In fact, we have discovered how to reflect quantum physics through math. (Not that I can explain it or to know to use it and what all of the implications are for our world.) Until now this phenomenon seemed like a puzzle, with religious people using it to describe it according to their own religion. But now this soul has been discovered by science. Two scientists of physics and mathematics claimed in 2019 after long research that the soul never dies, only the body dies. Since that time The recognition of the soul as being immortal has gain credible scientific support. According to current thinking after death, the soul returns to the universe, but the information contained in it is never destroyed.
Sir Roger Penrose, professor of mathematics and physics at Oxford University and Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a physics scientist at the University of Arizona, have published six papers on the subject after nearly two decades of research. Researchers say that the human brain is like a biological computer. The program of this biological computer is the consciousness or soul which is operated through a quantum computer inside the brain. A quantum computer model concept refers to the possibility microscopic tubules located in brain cells that are made up of protein-based molecules. These subtle sources of energy in a large number of molecules combine to form a quantum state which is actually consciousness or spirit.According to scientists, when a person starts to die mentally, then these microscopic tubes start losing the quantum state. Micro-energy particles move out of the brain tubes into the universe.Sometimes a dying person becomes alive, then these particles return to the microscopic tubes.this therory is now also being confirmed by actaully measuring the energy leaving the body and not deminishig in stringh as ir moves from the body.
This research to scientists is based on the quantum theory of physics. According to this, the soul resides in microscopic tubes of protein in the cells of the conscious mind in the form of molecules and sub-cells of energy. Information is stored in these microscopic particles.According to research, even though the subtle energy particles go into the universe, the information contained in them is not destroyed. These conclusions come The Plunk Institute in Munich is named after Max Plunk, a scientist who has proposed the quantum theory, this research/ therortical model is also confirmed by the scientist Hannes Peter Tur a renowned theoretical physicist .
Brain Facts:
Brain waves are oscillating electrical voltages in the brain measuring just a few millionths of a volt. There are five widely recognized brain waves, and the main frequencies of human EEG waves. Covert consciousness is the state in which the brain shows inner signs of awareness and activity when evaluated with an EEG, even though the body is nonresponsive. It’s estimated that as many as 15 to 20 percent of people who appear to be in a coma show signs of covert consciousness, according to Scientific American.
.Various regions of the brain do not emit the same brain wave frequency simultaneously. An EEG signal between electrodes placed on the scalp consists of many waves with different characteristics.
In the patients who did have brain activity after death, researchers detected researches have detected a particular type of wave called gamma waves. they originate in the so-called “hot zone” of neural correlates of consciousness in the brain:at the junction between the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes in the back of the brain, called the temporal parietal junction (TPJ).
Previous research has shown that when someone has an out-of-body experience, there’s activity in the TPJ, says Zemmar. “Across cultures and religions, when people think of God or have religious or spiritual experiences, activity in that area goes up,”
So What:
This is simply mind boggling. Do you believe it? Is there out there another plausible explanation of what we have learned in the past view years.
Everything is in the eye of the beholder I guess. Does this research confirm the theory of afterlife. Most religions are based upon some presence of something after death. We live in some part with rules or guidelines from religion about building a better life after death. Does the above confirm your belief in religion or does it confirm to you that religions don't have anything to do it ? For me I keep coming back to the basic question. Who came up with all of this. Somehow all the intricacies of the body, brain, and heart had to be designed by something. The probabilities of all this randomly coming together is way way out there somewhere. Something created all of this. It is up to you and to eons of research to find out who or what.